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Nero, as Augustus (AD 54-68). AV aureus (17mm, 7.27 gm, 4h). Rome, ca. AD 64-65. NERO-CAESAR, laureate, bearded head of Nero right.

Тред №547938 ответить(75) 13 Мая, 2023 20:43
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AVGVSTVS-GERMANICVS, Colossus of Nero as Sol, radiate and togate, standing facing, head slightly right, left knee bent, branch upward in right hand, Victory standing left on globe in outstretched left hand.

Комментарий №547939 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:43

Augustus (27 BC-AD 14). AV aureus (19mm, 7.92 gm, 8h). NGC Choice XF 4/5 - 3/5. Lugdunum, 15-13 BC. AVGVSTVS-DIVI•F, bare head of Augustus right

Комментарий №547940 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:47

IMP-X, Apollo Citharoedus of Actium, standing facing, head left, plectrum in right hand, lyre in left; ACT in exergue.

Комментарий №547941 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:48

Part of a larger series of Actium issues, this reverse type references the temple of Apollo at Actium which overlooked the sea where Octavian defeated the combined naval forces of Marc Antony and Cleopatra VII. The Actium series of coins was one of several tools used by Octavian to solidify his political legacy and celebrate his 'divinely' won victory over the Antonian-Ptolemaic fleet. Soon after, he installed a monument dedicated to Mars, Neptune and Apollo on the very spot his tent previously rested; renovated the temple of Apollo; established a new city, Nicopolis, which connected several regional communities; and eventually founded the Actian games to take place in this new city.

Комментарий №547942 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:49

Augustus (27 BC-AD 14). AR denarius (18mm, 3.78 gm, 7h). Lugdunum, 8 BC. AVGVSTVS-DIVI•F, laureate head of Augustus right

Комментарий №547943 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:51

C•CAES / AVGVS•F, Gaius Caesar on horse leaping right, reins in right hand, sword and shield in left; aquila right between two standards in background.

Комментарий №547944 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:52

In 8 BC, Augustus introduced his twelve-year-old grandson and adopted son Gaius Caesar to the Roman army in Gaul. The bulla around Gaius' neck signifies that he was still a child and had not yet assumed the toga of manhood

Комментарий №547945 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:53

Augustus (27 BC-AD 14). AR denarius (20mm, 3.82 gm, 2h). Lugdunum, 2 BC-AD 4. CAESAR AVGVSTVS-DIVI F PATER PATRIAE, laureate head of Augustus right.

Комментарий №547946 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:56

AVGVSTI F COS DESIG PRINC IVVENT, Gaius and Lucius Caesars, togate, standing facing, each supporting grounded shield with inner hand, spears resting against shields; simpulum (on left) and lituus (on right) turned inwards above; C L CAESARES in exergue.

Комментарий №547947 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:56

Claudius I (AD 41-54). AE as (30mm, 11.45 gm, 7h). Rome, ca. AD 50-54. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head of Claudius I left.

Комментарий №547948 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:58

Minerva advancing right, brandishing javelin in right hand, round shield on left arm; S-C across fields.

Комментарий №547949 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:58

Claudius I (AD 41-54). AE as (29mm, 11.60 gm, 7h). Rome, ca. AD 50-54. TI CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG P M TR P IMP P P, bare head of Claudius I left / Minerva advancing right, brandishing javelin in right hand, round shield on left arm; S-C across fields.

Комментарий №547950 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:00
Комментарий №547951 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:00

Nero, as Augustus (AD 54-68). AR denarius (17mm, 5h). Rome, ca. AD 64-65. NERO CAESAR-AVGVSTVS, laureate head of Nero right.

Комментарий №547952 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:02

IVPPITER-CVSTOS, Jupiter seated left on throne, thunderbolt in right hand, scepter in left.

Комментарий №547953 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:02

Galba (AD 68-69). AE sestertius (35mm, 29.16 gm, 7h). Rome, July AD 68-January AD 69. SER GALBA IMP-CAES AVG TR P, laureate, draped bust of Galba right, seen from front.

Комментарий №547958 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:13

S-C, Roma seated left on cuirass, spear in right hand, leaning on shield with left arm; two greaves and bow to right, ROMA in exergue.

Комментарий №547959 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:13

Galba (AD 68-69). AE dupondius (30mm, 16.43 gm, 5h). Rome, June-August AD 68. IMP SER GALBA-AVG TR P, laureate, draped bust of Galba right, seen from front.

Комментарий №547960 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:16

S P Q R / OB / CIV SER, legend in three lines within oak-wreath.

Комментарий №547961 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:17

Otho (January-April AD 69). AR denarius (19mm, 3.24 gm, 7h). Rome, 9 March-mid April AD 69. IMP OTHO CAESAR AVG TR P, bare, bewigged head of Otho right.

Комментарий №547962 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:20

PONT-MAX, Ceres standing facing, head left, two grain ears upward in right hand, cornucopia in left.

Комментарий №547963 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:20

Vitellius (16 April-22 December AD 69). AE sestertius (36mm, 26.01 gm, 5h). Rome, April-December AD 69. A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG P M TR P, laureate and draped bust of Vitellius right, seen from front.

Комментарий №547964 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:23

Mars, nude but for chlamys across shoulders, advancing right, transverse spear in right hand, trophy in left over shoulder.

Комментарий №547965 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:23

Vitellius (16 April-22 December AD 69). AE as (26mm, 11.33 gm, 7h). Rome. A VITELLIVS GERMANICVS IMP AVG P M TR P, laureate bust of Vitellius right.

Комментарий №547968 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:31

CONCORDIA AVGVSTI, Concordia seated left on backless throne, right leg drawn back, feet on ground line, with patera in right hand over lit altar to left, cornucopia in left; S C in exergue.

Комментарий №547969 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:31

Vespasian (AD 69-79). AR denarius (17mm, 2.92 gm, 5h). Rome, 21 December AD 69-early AD 70. IMP CAESAR VESPASIANVS AVG, laureate bust of Vespasian right

Комментарий №547970 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:35

IVDAEA, mourning Judaea, veiled and supporting head with left hand, seated right on ground to right of military trophy consisting of helmet, cuirass, two shields, and greaves mounted on pole, two more shields at base.

Комментарий №547971 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:36

Vespasian (AD 69-79). AE dupondius (27mm, 15.75 gm, 7h). Rome, AD 71. IMP CAES VESPASIAN AVG COS III, radiate head of Vespasian right, globe at point of truncation

Комментарий №547972 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:37

Roma seated left on cuirass, wreath in raised right hand, resting left hand on parazonium; shield behind, S-C across fields, ROMA in exergue.

Комментарий №547973 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:37

Titus, as Caesar (AD 79-81). AV aureus (20mm, 7.26 gm, 6h). Rome, AD 74. T•CAESAR•IMP•VESP, laureate head of Titus right.

Комментарий №547977 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:41

PONTIF-TR POT, Fortuna standing left on garlanded cippus, grounded rudder in right hand, cornucopia cradled in left arm.

Комментарий №547978 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:41

The elder son of Vespasian, Flavius Titus Vespasianus was born in AD 41 and seemed marked out for the life of an upper middle-class civil servant in the mold of his father. Vespasian won glory as a general during Claudius' invasion of Britain, and Titus grew into an intelligent, handsome, and charming young man who became his father's second in command for the Judaean campaign of AD 66-69. When Nero's regime collapsed in Rome, Vespasian seized the throne and Titus took over direction of the Judaean war, which culminated in the storming of Jerusalem in AD 70. Returning to Rome at the head of several legions, Titus was suspected of planning a coup, but he warmly greeted his father and was granted a stupendous triumph. Titus next served as Praetorian Prefect and was utterly ruthless in protecting his family's stranglehold on power. When Vespasian died in AD 79 and Titus was proclaimed emperor, many feared he would be another Nero or Caligula. But he soon emerged as an uncommonly benevolent ruler.

Комментарий №547979 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:42

Titus, as Augustus (AD 79-81). AR denarius (17mm, 3.13 gm, 5h). Rome, January-June AD 80. IMP TITVS CAES VESPASIAN AVG P M, laureate head of Titus right.

Комментарий №547981 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:47

TR P IX IMP XV COS VIII P P, cuirassed elephant advancing left.

Комментарий №547982 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:48

Titus, as Augustus (AD 79-81). AE sestertius (33mm, 25.29 gm, 7h). Rome, AD 80-81. IMP T CAES VESP AVG P M TR P P P COS VIII, laureate head of Titus left.

Комментарий №547985 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:57

ANNONA-AVG, Annona standing facing, head left, statuette of Aequitas standing facing in right hand, cornucopia cradled in left; modius with grain ears leaning at feet to left, stern of ship behind to right.

Комментарий №547986 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 21:58

Domitian, as Caesar (AD 81-96). AV aureus (21mm, 7.23 gm, 6h). Rome, AD 75. CAES AVG F-DOMIT COS III, laureate head of Domitian right.

Комментарий №547987 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:01

PRINCEPS-IVVENTVT, Spes advancing left, flower in outstretched right hand, raising hem of stola with left.

Комментарий №547988 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:02

As a young man, Domitian was largely overshadowed by his older brother Titus, a situation that probably shaped his dour, resentful character. In AD 79, Vespasian was succeeded by Titus as Augustus, with Domitian taking the junior position of Caesar. Unfortunately, Titus ruled only two years before he fell ill and died, in September of AD 81. Domitian wasted no time in seizing power as the third emperor of the Flavian dynasty. He soon proved a conscientious, detail-oriented administrator who kept a firm hand on all facets of government. Despite his uneven military record, the legions loved Domitian for raising their pay by nearly 50 percent. However, Domitian's suspicion of the aristocracy soon deepened into paranoia. Unsuccessful conspiracies against him, in AD 87 and 89, caused him to abandon all restraint, and by AD 93 Rome was in the grip of a new reign of terror. Even Domitian's wife came to fear for her life, and she encouraged the emperor's personal attendants to plot against him, leading to his murder, in AD 96.

Комментарий №547989 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:02

Domitian, as Caesar (AD 81-96). AE as (27mm, 11.40 gm, 7h). Rome, AD 80-81. CAES DIVI VESP F DOMITIAN COS VII, laureate head of Domitian right.

Комментарий №547990 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:05

CONCORDIA-AVGVST, Concordia seated left, with patera in right hand, cornucopia cradled in left.

Комментарий №547991 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:05

Domitian, as Augustus (AD 81-96). AR denarius (18mm, 6h). Rome, 14 September AD 90-13 September AD 91. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG-GERM P M TR P XI, laureate head of Domitian right.

Комментарий №547992 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:07

IMP XXI COS XV CENS P P P, Minerva advancing right, shield in left hand and brandishing spear in right.

Комментарий №547993 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:07

Domitian, as Augustus (AD 81-96). AE sestertius (35mm, 25.66 gm, 7h). Rome, AD 90-91. IMP CAES DOMIT AVG GERM-COS XV CENS PER P P, laureate head of Domitian right.

Комментарий №547994 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:09

S-C, Domitian standing facing, head left, thunderbolt in right hand, grounded spear in left, crowned by Victory standing left behind, palm in left hand.

Комментарий №547995 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:09

Hadrian (AD 117-138). AV aureus (19mm, 7.05 gm, 7h). Rome, AD 117. IMP CAES TRAIAN HADRIANO AVG DIVI TRA PARTH F, laureate, cuirassed bust of Hadrian right, exposed upper part of breastplate, balteus strap across chest.

Комментарий №547996 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:12

•DIVI•NER NEP•P M TR•P•COS•, radiate, draped bust of Sol right, seen from behind; ORIENS below.

Комментарий №547997 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:12

Aelius Caesar (AD 136-138). AE as (25mm, 12.44 gm, 6h). Rome, AD 137. L AELIVS-CAESAR, bare head of Aelius right.

Комментарий №547998 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:14

TR•PO-T-COS II, Spes advancing left, flower upward in outstretched right hand, hitching stola with left; S-C across fields.

Комментарий №547999 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:14

Diva Faustina Senior (AD 138-140/1). AR denarius (17mm, 11h). Rome, after AD 141. DIVA-FAVSTINA, draped bust of Diva Faustina Senior right, hair elaborately waved in several loops around head, drawn up and coiled on top with pearls.

Комментарий №548004 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:20

AED DIV FAVSTINAE, hexastyle temple in which is seated a figure of Faustina Senior, outer most columns contain standing figure holding vertical lit torch, Victories as acroteria, peacock in pediment, roof surmounted by quadriga.

Комментарий №548005 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:20

Diva Faustina Senior (AD 138-140/1). AR denarius (18mm, 6h). Rome, AD 141-161. DIVA-FAVSTINA, draped bust of Diva Faustina Senior right, seen from front, hair elaborately waved in several loops around head, braided, drawn up and coiled on top with pearls

Комментарий №548006 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:22

AVGV-STA, veiled Vesta standing left, holding simpulum and palladium.

Комментарий №548007 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:22

Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar (AD 161-180). AV aureus (20mm, 7.25 gm, 6h). Rome, AD 158-159. AVRELIVS CAES AVG PII F, bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed bust of Marcus Aurelius right, seen from behind.

Комментарий №548008 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:25

TR POT XIII-COS II, Virtus in military attire, standing right, right foot on helmet, with grounded reversed spear in right hand, parazonium in left arm.

Комментарий №548009 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:25

Faustina Junior (AD 147-175/6). AR denarius (19mm, 6h). Rome, AD 176-180. DIVA FAV-STINA PIA, draped bust of Diva Faustina Junior right, seen from front, hair weaved and coiled at lower back of head in large chignon.

Комментарий №548010 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:28

CONSECRATIO, peacock advancing right in front of draped throne, with transverse scepter leaning across.

Комментарий №548011 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:28

Faustina Junior (AD 147-175/6). AR denarius 18mm. Rome, AD 161-164. FAVSTINA AVGVSTA, draped bust of Faustina Junior right, seen from front, hair waved and coiled at lower back of head in chignon

Комментарий №548012 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:30

FECVND AVGVSTAE, Fecunditas standing facing, head left, between two girls, an infant in each arm.

Комментарий №548013 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:30

Lucius Verus (AD 161-169). AR denarius (19mm, 11h). Rome, summer-December AD 166. L VERVS AVG ARM-PARTH MAX, laureate head of Lucius Verus right.

Комментарий №548014 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:33

TR P-VI IMP-IIII COS II, Pax standing facing, head left, olive branch downward in right hand, cornucopia in left; PAX below.

Комментарий №548015 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:33

Commodus, as Augustus (AD 177-192). AR denarius (20mm, 12h). Rome, AD 190. L AEL AVREL CO-MM AVG P FEL, laureate head of Commodus right.

Комментарий №548016 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:36

LIB AVG P M TR P XVII COS VII P P, Libertas standing facing, head left, with pileus in right hand and grounded scepter in left, star in right field.

Комментарий №548017 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:36

Pertinax (1 January-28 March AD 193). AR denarius (19mm, 3.06 gm, 6h). Rome. IMP CAES P HELV-PERTIN AVG, laureate head of Pertinax right.

Комментарий №548018 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:38

VOT DEC-EN TR P COS II, Pertinax standing facing, veiled head left, sacrificing with patera in right hand over tripod at left.

Комментарий №548019 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 22:38

Clodius Albinus, as Caesar (AD 193-195). AR denarius (20mm, 5h). Rome, AD 194-195. D CLOD SEPT-ALBIN CAES, bare head of Clodius Albinus right.

Комментарий №548025 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:10

MINER-PA-CIF COS II, Minerva standing facing, head left, olive branch in outstretched right hand, resting left on grounded shield, spear leaning against left arm.

Комментарий №548026 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:10

Caracalla, as Augustus (AD 198-217). AV aureus (20mm, 7.16, 7h). Rome, ca. AD 213-217. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG GERM, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Caracalla right, seen from back

Комментарий №548027 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:12

PROVIDENTIAE DEORVM, Providentia standing facing, wand lowered in right hand over globe at feet to left, scepter grounded in left hand.

Комментарий №548028 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:12

Macrinus (AD 217-218). AR denarius (20mm, 6h). Rome, Decemeber AD 217. IMP C M OPEL SEV-MACRINVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Macrinus right, with older features and longer beard, seen from the front.

Комментарий №548029 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:15

P M TR P II COS P P, Macrinus seated left on curule chair, globe in right hand, short scepter in left.

Комментарий №548030 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:15

Macrinus (AD 217-218). AR denarius (18mm, 6h). Rome. IMP C M OPEL SEV MACRINVS AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust of Macrinus right, seen from front, with younger features and short beard.

Комментарий №548031 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:17

SECVRITAS TEMPORVM, Securitas standing facing, head left, scepter in right hand, leaning with left arm on short column to right.

Комментарий №548032 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:17

Diadumenian, as Caesar (AD 218). AR denarius (19mm, 3.06 gm, 7h). Rome. M OPEL ANT DIADVMENIAN CAES, bareheaded, draped, cuirassed bust of Diadumenian right, seen from the front

Комментарий №548033 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:20

PRINC•IVVENTVTIS, Diadumenian standing facing, head left with baton in right hand and scepter in left; two standards to right, surmounted by eagle (on left) and wreath (on right).

Комментарий №548034 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 23:20