LYDIAN KINGDOM. Croesus (561-546 BC). AV stater (17mm, 10.77 gm). Sardes, "heavy" standard, ca. 561-550 BC.
LYDIAN KINGDOM. Croesus (561-546 BC). AV stater (17mm, 10.77 gm). Sardes, "heavy" standard, ca. 561-550 BC.
SICILY. Syracuse. Unsigned dies by Kimon, ca. 405-400 BC. AR decadrachm (40mm, 43.21 gm, 9h). Racing quadriga driven left by charioteer, reins in left hand, kentron in right; Nike flying right in field above to crown him, military arms, including aspis (shield), greaves, cuirass, and crested Attic helmet, all joined by horizontal spear, ΑΘΛΑ ("prizes") all below thick exergual line, dotted border
Комментарий №546014 ответить 02 Мая, 2023 22:12ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΩN, head of Arethusa left, wearing single-pendant earring and beaded necklace, curly hair confined by ampyx and net sphendone; four dolphins swimming around, dotted border.
Комментарий №546015 ответить 02 Мая, 2023 22:12SICILY. Syracuse. Unsigned dies by Kimon, ca. 405-400 BC. AR decadrachm (36mm, 40.71 gm, 1h), altered surface.
Комментарий №546016 ответить 02 Мая, 2023 22:16SICILY. Syracuse. Time of Dionysius I (405-370 BC). AR decadrachm (34mm, 43.35 gm, 11h). Unsigned dies by the "shell engraver" in the style of Euainetos, ca. 400 BC. Racing quadriga driven left by charioteer, reins in left hand, kentron in right; Nike flying right in field above to crown him, military arms, including aspis (shield), greaves, cuirass, and crested Attic helmet, all joined by horizontal spear, ΑΘΛΑ ("prizes") below all in exergue, dotted border
Комментарий №546018 ответить 02 Мая, 2023 22:20ΣΥ-Ρ-Α-Κ-ΟΣΙΩΝ, head of Arethusa left, hair wreathed in barley ears, wearing triple pendant earring and beaded necklace; scallop shell in right field, four dolphins swimming around, dotted border.
Комментарий №546019 ответить 02 Мая, 2023 22:20MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AV distater (21mm, 17.20 gm, 7h). Lifetime-early posthumous issue of Amphipolis, ca. 330-320 BC. Head of Athena right, hair in four tight corkscrew curls, upswept at temple, and flowing over left shoulder, wearing pendant earring, double-necklace, and triple-crested Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, long divergent crest ends, bowl decorated with coiled serpent right
Комментарий №546152 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:04ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥ, Nike standing facing, head left, wreath in outstretched right hand, stylis cradled in left arm; cantharus in left field. Price 167. Müller 192. The intricately rendered goddesses retain a great deal of their original grace with brilliant, sunny fields.
Комментарий №546153 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:04MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AV stater (18mm, 8.61 gm, 6h). Posthumous issue of Pamphylia, Side, ca. 325-320 BC. Head of Athena right, hair falling in three tight corkscrew curls, upswept at temple and falling loose over left shoulder, wearing pendant earring, beaded necklace, and triple-crested Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, long parallel crest ends, bowl decorated with leaping griffin right
Комментарий №546156 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:09AΛEΞANΔPOY / BA-ΣIΛEΩΣ, Nike advancing left, wreath in outstretched right hand, stylis cradled in left arm; ΦI above BΣ below wing in inner left field.
Комментарий №546157 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:10MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AV stater (18mm, 8.53 gm, 11h). Lifetime issue of Lampsacus, ca. 328-323 BC. Head of Athena right, hair flowing in loose waves behind and over left shoulder, wearing pendant earring, beaded necklace, and triple-crested Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, long divergent crest ends, bowl decorated with coiled serpent right
Комментарий №546158 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:13AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing facing, head left, wreath in outstretched right hand, stylis cradled in left arm; conjoined foreparts of two horses in outer left field, ΔIO monogram in left field below wing.
Комментарий №546159 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:13MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AV stater (18mm, 8.58 gm, 1h). Lifetime issue of Miletus, 325-323 BC. Head of Athena right, hair flowing loose and over left shoulder, wearing triple-crested Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, short divergent crest ends, bowl decorated with coiled serpent right
Комментарий №546161 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:20AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing facing, head left, wreath in outstretched right hand, stylis cradled in left arm; HΔ monogram in left field.
Комментарий №546162 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:20MACEDONIAN KINGDOM. Alexander III the Great (336-323 BC). AV stater (19mm, 8.48 gm, 12h). Posthumous issue of uncertain mint in western Asia Minor, ca. 323-280 BC. Head of Athena right, hair flowing loose in waves, over left shoulder, and curled at temple, wearing pendant earring, beaded necklace, and triple-crested Corinthian helmet pushed back on head, long divergent crest ends, bowl decorated with coiled serpent right
Комментарий №546163 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:22AΛEΞANΔPOY, Nike standing facing, head left, wreath in outstretched right hand, stylis cradled in left arm; no field marks or symbols.
Комментарий №546164 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:22BITHYNIA. Cius. Ca. 350-300 BC. AV stater (15mm, 8.49 gm, 1h). Agathocles, magistrate, ca. 340-330 BC. Laureate head of Apollo right
Комментарий №546165 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:26AΓAΘO / KΛHΣ, prow of galley left, ornamented with star; eagle standing left, wings closed to left, horizontal club right above.
Комментарий №546166 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:26PERGAMENE KINGDOM. Philetaerus (284-263 BC). AR tetradrachm (28mm, 17.00 gm, 11h). Fine Style, brushed. Posthumous issue of Seleucus I, ca. 269-268 BC. Diademed head of Seleucus I right; dotted border
Комментарий №546167 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:30ΦIΛETAIPOY, Athena enthroned left, resting left elbow on small sphinx seated right, right hand resting on grounded shield at left with gorgoneion boss, transverse spear beyond; ivy leaf above right arm, bow in outer right field.
Комментарий №546168 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:30IONIA. Uncertain mint. Ca. 650-600 BC. EL stater (20mm, 14.38 gm). Lydo-Milesian standard. Field of striated lines, resembling ripples on water
Комментарий №546169 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:34Two incuse square punches with irregular interior surfaces, flanking central slim rectangular punch.
Комментарий №546170 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:34LYDIAN KINGDOM. Croesus (561-546 BC). AV stater (17mm, 10.76 gm). Sardes, "heavy" standard, ca. 561-550 BC. Confronted foreparts of lion right and bull left, both with outstretched foreleg
Комментарий №546171 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:37Two incuse square punches of unequal size, side by side, with irregular interior surfaces.
Комментарий №546172 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:37LYDIAN KINGDOM. Croesus (561-546 BC). AV stater (15mm, 8.06 gm) Sardes, "light" standard, ca. 550-546 BC. Confronted foreparts of lion right and bull left, both with outstretched foreleg
Комментарий №546173 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:39Two incuse square punches of unequal size, side by side, with irregular interior surfaces.
Nero, as Caesar (AD 54-68). AV aureus (18mm, 7.68 gm, 3h). Rome, AD 50-54. NERONI•CLAVDIO•DRVSO•GERM•COS•DESIGN•, bare-headed, draped bust of Nero right, seen from side
Комментарий №546231 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 07:29EQVESTER / OR-DO / PRINCIPI / IVVENT, legend in four lines on shield, vertical spear behind.
Комментарий №546232 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 07:29Nero, as Augustus (AD 54-68). AE sestertius (24mm, 23.57 gm, 7h). NGC Choice XF 4/5 - 4/5, Fine Style. Rome, AD 64. NERO CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P IMP P P, laureate head of Nero left
Комментарий №546233 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 07:31View of triumphal arch, showing front and left hand sides, surmounted by emperor in facing quadriga escorted by Victory (on right) holding wreath and palm, and Pax (on left) holding caduceus and cornucopia, the upper level flanked at extremely left and right by statue of soldiers, niche on left side containing figure of Mars standing facing, spear in right hand, shield in left, wreath across open archway, the faces and plinths decorated with ornamental reliefs; S-C across fields.
Комментарий №546234 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 07:32Nero, as Augustus (AD 54-68). AE sestertius (36mm, 25.39 gm, 6h). Choice VF, altered surface. Rome, ca. AD 67. IMP NERO CLAVD CAESAR AVG GERM P M TR P XIII P P, laureate head of Nero right
Комментарий №546235 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 07:33ROMA, Roma seated left on cuirass with pile of arms behind, spear in right hand, left arm resting on shield; S-C across fields.
Комментарий №546236 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 07:33PARTHIAN KINGDOM. Sinatruces (ca. 93-69 BC). AR drachm (19mm, 12h).
Diademed bust of Sinatruces left, wearing tiara ornamented with horn and row of stags around top.
ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜEΓΑΛΟΥ ΑΡΣΑΚΟΥ ΘEOPATROEΣ NIKATOPOΣ, Arsaces I seated right on throne, holding bow.
Комментарий №547295 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 13:03PARTHIAN KINGDOM. Vardanes I (ca. AD 38-46). AR drachm (19mm, 1h). Ecbatana. Bust of Vardanes I left with short pointed beard, wearing double banded diadem with double loop, spiral torque, ear-ring visible, dotted border.
Комментарий №547296 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 13:05Archer (Arsaces I) enthroned right, monogram with pellet below bow.
Комментарий №547297 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 13:05PARTHIAN KINGDOM. Vologases VI (AD 207-222). AR drachm (20mm, 11h). Ecbatana. Diademed bust of Vologases VI left, wearing pointed beard and domed tiara; I) in right field.
Комментарий №547298 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 13:07Corrupted Greek legend, archer in Parthian dress (Arsaces I) enthroned right, holding bow outward; AT monogram under bow.
Комментарий №547299 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 13:07EGYPT. Alexandria. Gordian I Africanus (AD 238). BI tetradrachm (23mm, 13.02 gm, 11h). Dated Regnal Year 1 (AD 238). Α Κ Μ ΑΝ ΓΟΡΔΙΑΝΟϹ ϹƐΜ ΑΦΡ ƐΥϹƐΒ, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Gordian I right, seen from front
Комментарий №547331 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 21:11Athena seated left on shield, Victory right in outstretched right hand, spear grounded in left; LA (date) in left field.
Комментарий №547332 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 21:11EGYPT. Alexandria. Macrianus (AD 260-261). BI tetradrachm (22mm, 11.65 gm, 12h). Dated Regnal Year 1 (AD 260/1). A K T Φ IOVN MAKPIANOC Є CЄB, laureate, cuirassed bust of Macrianus right, seen from front.
Комментарий №547333 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 21:14Eagle standing left, wings open, wreath in beak; L A (date) in left field.
Комментарий №547334 ответить 10 Мая, 2023 21:14PTOLEMAIC EGYPT. Ptolemy VI Philometor (180-145 BC). AR stater or tetradrachm (28mm, 12h). Alexandria, ca. 169-145 BC. Diademed head of Ptolemy I right, aegis tied around neck; dotted border.
Комментарий №547740 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:11ΠTOΛEMAIOY-BAΣIΛEΩΣ, eagle with closed wings standing left on thunderbolt; dotted border.
Комментарий №547741 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:12SELEUCID KINGDOM. Philip I Philadelphus (ca. 95/4-76/5 BC). AR tetradrachm (27mm, 11h). Antioch on the Orontes, after 88/7 BC. Diademed head of Philip I right, diademed ends falling straight behind; bead-and-reel border.
Комментарий №547742 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:14BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ΦIΛIΠΠOY / EΠIΦANOYΣ / ΦIΛAΔEΛΦOY, Zeus enthroned left, right leg drawn back, Nike right in right hand, scepter in left; Φ above A in outer left field, frozen ΛI monogram below throne; all within laurel wreath.
Комментарий №547743 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:14SELEUCID KINGDOM. Philip I Philadelphus (ca. 95/4-76/5 BC). AR tetradrachm (26mm, 10h). Uncertain mint in Cilicia, ca. 94-87 BC. Diademed head of Philip I right; bead-and-reel border.
Комментарий №547746 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:17ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ / ΕΠΙΦΑΝΟΥΣ / ΦΙΛΑΔΕΛΦΟΥ, Zeus enthroned left, right leg drawn back, Nike right in right hand, scepter in left; N over A in outer left field, frozen ΛI monogram below throne, all within laurel wreath.
Комментарий №547747 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:18SELEUCID KINGDOM. Antiochus VIII Epiphanes (121-96 BC). AR tetradrachm (27mm, 16.42 gm, 1h). Antioch on the Orontes, Third Reign, 109-96 BC. Diademed head of Antiochos VIII right, diadem ends falling straight behind; bead-and-reel border.
Комментарий №547748 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:23BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / EΠIΦANOYΣ, Zeus seated left, crowned by Nike in outstretched right hand, grounded scepter in left; P/E/A in outer left field, ΛI monogram below throne, all within laurel wreath.
Комментарий №547749 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:23SELEUCID KINGDOM. Demetrius II Nicator, Second Reign (129-125 BC). AR tetradrachm (27mm, 14.22 gm, 1h). Tyre, dated Seleucid Era 183 (130/9 BC). Diademed, beardless, draped bust of Demetrius II right, diadem ties falling straight behind; dotted border.
Комментарий №547750 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:32BAΣIΛEΩΣ-ΔHMHTPIOY, eagle standing left on prow, palm under wing; A/PE above club surmounted by TYP monogram to left, AΣY monogram above ΓΠP (date) to right, ΓΠP monogram between legs.
Комментарий №547751 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:32SELEUCID KINGDOM. Antiochus VI Dionysus (144-142 BC). AR drachm (18mm, 4.01 gm, 1h). Antioch on the Orontes, dated Seleucid Era 169 (144/3 BC). Diademed, radiate head of Antiochus VI right, one diadem end falling straight behind, the other falling forward over shoulder; dotted border.
Комментарий №547752 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:34ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΑΝΤΙΟΧΟΥ / ΕΠΙΦ-ΑΝΟΥΣ / ΔΙΟΝ-ΥΣΟΥ, Apollo seated left on omphalus, testing arrow in right hand, resting left on grounded bow behind; ΔΘΠ monogram between legs, ΘΞP (date) ΣTA in exergue.
Комментарий №547753 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:35CILICIA. Tarsus. Mazaeus, as Satrap (ca. 361-328 BC). AR stater (24mm, 10.70 gm, 1h). AU, tooled. B'LTRZ (Aramaic), Ba'altars seated left on backless throne, turned facing, eagle, grain ear, and grapes in right hand, scepter in left; NS to lower left, M below strut.
Комментарий №547754 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:38MZDY (Aramaic), lion attacking bull left; ankh form monogram below bull.
Комментарий №547755 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:39PAMPHYLIA. Aspendus. Ca. 380-225 BC. AR stater (23mm, 11.08 gm, 11h). Two wrestlers grappling; FN (N retrograde) between, EΛYΦA MENETYΣ in exergue, dotted border.
Комментарий №547756 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:44EΣTFEΔIIYΣ, slinger striding to right, pulling sling taut over head; triskeles in right field, all within dotted square border.
Комментарий №547757 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:45PAMPHYLIA. Aspendus. Ca. 380-225 BC. AR stater (23mm, 10.99 gm, 12h). NGC AU 4/5 - 3/5, brushed. Two wrestlers grappling; NF between (N retrograde).
Комментарий №547758 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:50Slinger standing right, placing bullet in sling which he is drawing; triskeles counterclockwise in right field.
Комментарий №547759 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:50CARIAN ISLANDS. Rhodes. Ca. 275-250 BC. AR didrachm (20mm, 6.76 gm, 12h). Erasicles magistrate. Radiate facing head of Helios, turned slightly right, hair parted in center and swept to either side.
Комментарий №547760 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:53ΕΡΑΣΙΚΛΗΣ, rose with single bud on tendril to right; Phrygian helmet right to left, P-O flanking stem.
Комментарий №547761 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 02:54AEOLIS. Myrina. Ca. mid-2nd century BC. AR tetradrachm (36mm, 16.58 gm, 12h). Laureate head of Apollo right.
Комментарий №547762 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 03:00MYPINAIΩN, Apollo Grynios standing right, filleted laurel branch in left hand, phiale in right; omphalus and amphora before, ΔYE monogram above MΘ monogram in left field, all within laurel border.
Комментарий №547763 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 03:00SICILY. Syracuse. Agathocles (317-289 BC). AR tetradrachm (26mm, 16.82 gm, 9h). Ca. 310-306/5 BC. KOPAΣ, head of Kore-Persephone right, wreathed with grain, wearing single pendant earring and necklace; dotted border.
Комментарий №547922 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:16AΓAΘOKΛEIOΣ, Nike standing right, hammer in right hand, nail in left, about to attach helmet to trophy at right; triskeles to left below wing, dotted border.
Комментарий №547923 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:17SICILY. Syracuse. Agathocles (317-289 BC). AR tetradrachm (26mm, 17.06 gm, 6h). Ca. 310-306/5 BC. KOPAΣ, head of Kore-Persephone right, wreathed with grain, wearing single pendant earring and necklace; dotted border
AΓAΘOKΛEIOΣ, Nike standing right, hammer in right hand, nail in left, about to attach helmet to trophy at right; triskeles to left below wing, dotted border.
SICILY. Syracuse. Hieronymus (215-214 BC). AR 10 litrae (24mm, 8.49 gm, 5h). Diademed head of Hieronymus left.
Комментарий №547926 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:21ΒΑΣΙΛΕΟΣ IΕΡΩΝΥΜΟΥ above and below winged thunderbolt, ΞA above.
Комментарий №547927 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:21SICULO-PUNIC. Sicily. Ca. 300-289 BC. AR tetradrachm (25mm, 16.04 gm, 10h). Quaestors issue. Head of young Heracles right, wearing lion skin headdress, paws tied before neck.
Комментарий №547928 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:23'MHSBM (Punic), head and neck of horse left; palm tree behind; caduceus in left field.
Комментарий №547929 ответить 13 Мая, 2023 20:23