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SELEUCID KINGDOM. Seleucus II Callinicus (246-225 BC). AR tetradrachm (28mm, 16.71 gm, 12h). Fine Style, brushed. Antioch on the Orontes, from ca. 244 BC. Diademed head of Seleucus II right, with long, wavy sideburn, diadem ties falling straight behind; dotted border.

Тред №537528 ответить(75) 06 Марта, 2023 14:34
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ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΣΕΛ-ΕΥΚΟΥ, Apollo, nude, standing left, examining arrow in right hand, resting left elbow on tall sacrificial tripod; HΔ monogram in inner left field; MP monogram in outer right field.

Комментарий №537529 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:34
Комментарий №537530 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:36

SELEUCID KINGDOM. Seleucus II Callinicus (246-225 BC). AR tetradrachm (31mm, 17.86 gm, 11h). Fine Style, brushed. Antioch on the Orontes, from ca. 244 BC. Diademed head of Seleucus II right, with long, wavy sideburn; dotted border.

Комментарий №537532 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:43

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΣΕ-ΛΕΥΚΟΥ, Apollo, nude, standing left, examining arrow held in right hand, resting left elbow on tall sacrificial tripod, surmounted by laurel wreath; KE monogram in lower inner left field.

Комментарий №537533 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:43
Комментарий №537534 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:43

SELEUCID KINGDOM. Antiochus III the Great (222-187 BC). AR drachm (16mm, 4.25 gm, 12h). Uncertain mint, perhaps Apameia on the Orontes. Diademed head of Antiochus right, with full bangs, bold chin, and pursed lips.

Комментарий №537535 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:48

BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY, elephant walking right; MTP monogram above, ΞΣΩ monogram below. SC 1065.2 var. (exergual monogram configuration).

Комментарий №537536 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:48
Комментарий №537537 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:48

SELEUCID KINGDOM. Antiochus VII Euergetes (Sidetes) (138-129 BC). AR tetradrachm (27mm, 16.07 gm, 12h). Choice VF. Posthumous issue of Cappadocian Kingdom, under Ariobarzanes I (96-63 BC). Diademed head of Antiochus VII right, bead-and-reel border.

Комментарий №537538 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:51

BAΣIΛEΩΣ / ANTIOXOY / EYEP-ΓETOY, Athena standing facing, head left, left hand on grounded shield decorated with gorgoneion, spear resting against arm, Nike in right hand facing right, crowning royal epithet; Δ above A in outer left field, T-A across inner fields; all within laurel wreath. SC 2150.5 var. (symbols in left field).

Комментарий №537539 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:52

PHOENICIA. Tyre. Ca. 126/5 BC-AD 65/6. AR shekel (22mm, 13.95 gm, 12h). Dated Civic Year 161 (AD 35/6). Laureate head of Melqart right, lion skin knotted around neck

Комментарий №537540 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:56

ΤΥΡΟΥ ΙΕΡΑΣ-ΚΑΙ ΑΣΥΛΟΥ, eagle standing left on prow, palm over right wing; PΞA (date) above club to left, KP above ANP monogram to right, aleph (Phoenician) between legs.

Комментарий №537541 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:57
Комментарий №537542 ответить 06 Марта, 2023 14:57

LYDIAN KINGDOM. Alyattes or Walwet (ca. 610-546 BC). EL third-stater or trite (13mm, 4.76 gm). NGC Choice VF 5/5 - 3/5, countermarks. Uninscribed, Lydo-Milesian standard. Sardes. Head of lion right, mouth open, mane bristling, radiate sun above eye.

Комментарий №537826 ответить 07 Марта, 2023 11:32

Two square punches of different size, side by side, with irregular interior surfaces.

Комментарий №537827 ответить 07 Марта, 2023 11:32
Комментарий №537828 ответить 07 Марта, 2023 11:32

THRACIAN KINGDOM. Lysimachus (305-281 BC). AR tetradrachm (29mm, 16.87 gm, 1h). Lifetime issue of Abydus, ca. 297/6-282/1 BC. Diademed head of deified Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon

Комментарий №538512 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:15

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Athena enthroned left, Nike standing left in outstretched right hand, resting left elbow on shield, transverse spear beyond; head of griffin left in outer left field, ΠHΥΩ monogram in inner left field.

Комментарий №538513 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:15

THRACE. Byzantium. Ca. 280-250 BC. AR tetradrachm (28mm, 16.68 gm, 1h). Posthumous issue in the name and types of Lysimachus. Diademed head of deified Alexander III right, with horn of Ammon

Комментарий №538514 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:18

ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ / ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ, Athena seated left, Nike standing left in outstretched right hand, resting left arm on grounded shield, transverse spear beyond; MTE monogram in inner left field.

Комментарий №538515 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:18

ATTICA. Athens. Ca. 440-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (23mm, 17.23 gm, 10h). Mid-mass coinage issue. Head of Athena right, wearing earring, necklace, and crested Attic helmet ornamented with three laurel leaves and vine scroll

Комментарий №538516 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:21

AΘE, owl standing right, head facing; olive sprig with two leaves and one berry, and crescent moon behind, all within incuse square.

Комментарий №538517 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:21

ATTICA. Athens. Ca. 440-404 BC. AR tetradrachm (23mm, 17.18 gm, 1h). Mid-mass coinage issue. Head of Athena right, wearing earring, necklace, and crested Attic helmet ornamented with three laurel leaves and vine scroll

Комментарий №538518 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:24

AΘE, owl standing right, head facing. olive sprig with two leaves and one berry, and crescent moon behind, all within incuse square.

Комментарий №538519 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:25

PAPHLAGONIA. Sinope. Ca. late 4th century BC. AR drachm (19mm, 5.01 gm, 6h). Ca. 330-300 BC, Phageta, magistrate. Head of nymph left, hair in saccos, wearing sphendone, triple-pendant earring, and beaded necklace

Комментарий №538523 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:30

ΣΙΝΩ, sea-eagle on dolphin left; ΦAΓETA (magistrate) behind.

Комментарий №538524 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:31

CARIAN SATRAPS. Maussollus (ca. 377-352 BC). AR tetradrachm (22mm, 15.02 gm, 1h). Laureate, draped bust of Apollo, facing slightly right

Комментарий №538525 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:35

ΜΑΥΣΣΩΛΛΟ, Zeus Labraundus standing right, lotus tipped spear in left hand, bipennis raised in right.

Комментарий №538526 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:35

CARIAN SATRAPS. Hidrieus (ca. 351-344 BC). AR tetradrachm (22mm, 15.15 gm, 1h). Laureate, draped bust of Apollo, facing slightly right

Комментарий №538527 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:38

IΔPIEΩΣ, Zeus Labraundus standing right, lotus tipped scepter in left hand, bipennis raised in right; E between legs and scepter.

Комментарий №538528 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:38

Hadrian (AD 117-138). AV aureus (18mm, 7.01 gm, 5h). Rome, ca. AD 137-July AD 138. HADRIANVS-AVG COS III P P, bare headed bust of Hadrian right, with drapery visible on left shoulder, seen from behind

Комментарий №538530 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:46

SPES-P•R, Spes-Fortuna advancing left, lifting up hem of stola with her left hand, flower in her right.

Комментарий №538531 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:47

Hadrian (AD 117-138). AR denarius (19mm, 3.59 gm, 6h). Rome, ca. AD 126-127. HADRIANVS-AVGVSTVS, laureate bust of Hadrian right, slight drapery visible on left shoulder

Комментарий №538532 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:50

COS-III, Roma-Virtus standing right, left foot on helmet, reversed grounded spear in right hand, parazonium cradled in left.

Комментарий №538533 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:50

Antoninus Pius, as Augustus (AD 138-161). AV aureus (18mm, 6.84 gm, 11h). Rome, AD 155-156. ANTONINVS AVG-PIVS P P IMP II, laureate head of Antoninus Pius right

Комментарий №538534 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:55

TR POT XIX-COS IIII, Antoninus standing facing, head left, togate, globe with celestial bands in outstretched right hand, volumen in left.

Комментарий №538535 ответить 10 Марта, 2023 22:55

ZEUGITANA. Carthage. Ca. 350-320 BC. AV stater (19mm, 9.53 gm, 1h) Bust of Tanit left, hair wreathed with grain ears, wearing triple-pendant earring and necklace with seven pendants; dotted border

Комментарий №546154 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:07

Horse standing right on exergual line; three pellets to lower right at shin height, dotted border.

Комментарий №546155 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:07

JUDAEA. The Jewish War (AD 66-70). AR shekel (23mm, 14.20 gm, 11h). Jerusalem, dated Year 3 (April AD 68-May AD 69). Shekel of Israel (Paleo-Hebrew), omer cup with pearled rim, base resting on raised projections; Year 3 above

Комментарий №546175 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:44

Jerusalem the Holy (Paleo-Hebrew), staff with three pomegranate buds and globular base.

Комментарий №546176 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:44

JUDAEA. Bar Kokhba Revolt (AD 132-135). AR sela (24mm, 14.09 gm, 1h). Undated issue of Year 3 (AD 134/5). Simon (Paleo-Hebrew) on two sides, star above façade of the Jerusalem Temple, the Ark of the Covenant seen from end in center of entrance

Комментарий №546179 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:48

For the Freedom of Jerusalem (Paleo-Hebrew), lulav with etrog to left.

Комментарий №546180 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:49

Julius Caesar, as Dictator for the Fourth Time and Consul for the Fifth Time (44 BC). AV aureus (21mm, 8.01 gm, 10h). Rome. CAES DIC-QVAR, diademed bust of Venus right, wearing pendant earring

Комментарий №546181 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:52

COS•QVINC, legend within wreath.

Комментарий №546182 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:52

Julius Caesar, as Consul for the Third Time (46 BC), with Aulus Hirtius, as Praetor. AV aureus (20mm, 7.79 gm, 8h). Rome, 46 BC. C•CAESAR-COS•TER, veiled female head (Vesta or Pietas?) right, with features of Julius Caesar

Комментарий №546183 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:55

A•HIRTIVS•P R, lituus, oenochoe, and securis, all turned left (emblems of the augurate and pontificate).

Комментарий №546184 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:55

Julius Caesar, as Imperator (ca. February-March 44 BC), with Publius Sepullius Macer, as Moneyer. AR denarius (20mm, 4.20 gm, 5h). Rome. CAESAR•IMP, wreathed head of Julius Caesar right, eight-pointed star behind

Комментарий №546185 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:57

P•SEPVLLIVS-MACER, Venus Victrix standing facing, head left, Victory left in right hand, scepter set on star in left.

Комментарий №546186 ответить 03 Мая, 2023 23:57

Marcus Junius Brutus, Assassin of Caesar and Imperator (44-42 BC), with L. Plaetorius Cestianus, as Magistrate. AR denarius (19mm, 3.72 gm, 12h). Mint moving with Brutus in northern Greece, late summer-autumn 42 BC. BRVT-IMP-L•PLAET•CEST, bare head of Brutus right, wearing slight beard

Комментарий №546188 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:00

EID•MAR, pileus (liberty cap) between two daggers.

Комментарий №546189 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:00

Tiberius (AD 14-37). AV aureus (19mm, 7.81 gm, 11h). Lugdunum, ca. AD 14-17. TI CAESAR DIVI-AVG F AVGVSTVS, laureate head of Tiberius right

Комментарий №546190 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:04

PONTIF-MAXIM, Livia, as Pax, seated right, olive branch in left hand, grounded scepter in right, feet on stool; chair with ornate legs, single line below.

Комментарий №546191 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:05

Claudius I (AD 41-54). AV aureus (18mm, 7.84 gm, 4h). NGC Choice VF 5/5 - 2/5, ex-jewelry. Rome, AD 46-47. TI CLAVD CAESAR•AVG•P•M•TR•P•VI•IMP XI, laureate head of Claudius I right

Комментарий №546194 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:09

DE BRITANN, legend on architrave of triumphal arch, surmounted by equestrian statue left, right hand raised, spear in left, between two trophies.

Комментарий №546195 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:10

Nero, as Augustus (AD 54-68). AV aureus (19mm, 7.33 gm, 5h). ANACS XF 45. Rome, ca. AD 64-66. NERO CAESAR-AVGVSTVS, laureate bust of Nero right

Комментарий №546196 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:11

AVGVSTVS-AVGVSTA, Nero (on left), standing facing, radiate head left, patera in outstretched right hand, grounded scepter in left, and Poppaea Sabina (on right), standing facing, veiled head left, patera in outstretched right hand, cradling cornucopia in left arm.

Комментарий №546197 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:11

Marcus Aurelius, as Caesar (AD 161-180). AV aureus (19mm, 7.21 gm, 12h). Rome, AD 154-155. AVRELIVS CA-ESAR AVG PII F, bare-headed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Marcus Aurelius right, seen from behind

Комментарий №546199 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:52

TR PO-T-VIIII COS II, Roma standing facing, head left, Victory standing left in outstretched right hand, parazonium in left.

Комментарий №546200 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:52

Marcus Aurelius, as Augustus (AD 161-180). AV aureus (20mm, 7.31 gm, 11h). Rome, AD 165. M ANTONINVS AVG-ARMENIACVS, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Marcus Aurelius right, seen from behind

Комментарий №546201 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:54

P M TR P XIX-IMP III COS III, Felicitas standing facing, right foot on globe, head left, with caduceus in outstretched right hand, cornucopia cradled in left.

Комментарий №546202 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:54

Lucius Verus (AD 161-169). AV aureus (19mm, 7.35 gm 5h). Rome, December AD 163-December AD 164. •L•VERVS AVG-ARMENIACVS, laureate, draped, and cuirassed bust of Lucius Verus right, seen from behind

Комментарий №546203 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:57

TR P IIII•IMP II COS II, Victory standing facing, head right, half-draped, left foot on globe, inscribing VIC / AVG on shield placed on palm tree.

Комментарий №546204 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 00:57

Claudius II (AD 268-270). AV aureus (21mm, 6.52 gm, 12h). Mediolanum (Milan). IMP CLAVDIVS P F-AVG, laureate, cuirassed bust of Claudius II left, seen from front, aegis on breastplate, spear in right hand over right shoulder

Комментарий №546205 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:00

FELI-C-T-EMPO, Felicitas standing facing, head left, with caduceus in right hand, grounded scepter in left; T in exergue.

Комментарий №546206 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:00

Cn. Lentulus (ca. 76-75 BC). AR denarius (19mm, 3.94 gm, 5h). Uncertain mint in Spain. G•P•R, diademed and draped bust of bearded Genius Populi Romani right, scepter over shoulder

Комментарий №546207 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:12

CN LEN Q, globe between scepter adorned with fillet and crown (on left) and rudder (on right); EX•-S•C across outer fields.

Комментарий №546208 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:12
Комментарий №546209 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:12

L. Furius Cn.f. Brocchus (ca. 63 BC). AR denarius (18mm, 4.13 gm, 7h). Rome. III-VIR / BROCCHI, draped bust of Ceres right, wearing grain wreath; grain ear behind, barley grain before

Комментарий №546210 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:15

L•FVRI / CN•F, curule chair between fasces.

Комментарий №546211 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:15
Комментарий №546212 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:15

Julius Caesar, as Dictator (49-44 BC). AR denarius (18mm, 3.70 gm, 2h). Military mint traveling with Caesar in northern Italy, ca. 49-48 BC. CAESAR, elephant advancing right, trampling horned serpent

Комментарий №546214 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:18

Pontifical implements: culullus, aspergillum, securis (axe surmounted by dog or wolf's head), and apex.

Комментарий №546216 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:18
Комментарий №546218 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:19

Julius Caesar, as Consul for the Third Time (46 BC), with Aulus Hirtius, as Praetor. AV aureus (20mm, 8.00 gm, 7h). Rome, 46 BC. C•CAESAR-COS•TER, veiled female head (Vesta or Pietas?) right, with features of Julius Caesar

Комментарий №546220 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:24

A•HIRTIVS•P R, lituus, oenochoe, and securis, all turned left (emblems of the augurate and pontificate).

Комментарий №546221 ответить 04 Мая, 2023 01:24